How To Find Experts in Your Industry on Twitter

How To Find Experts in Your Industry on Twitter

How to find experts in your industry on Twitter? Are they active on social media? Like most small businesses you are probably focused on using Facebook. That’s where everyone is, right? Actually, no. There are a lot of reasons to not focus all of your efforts on Facebook. We covered this in a couple of posts before, because Facebook is going through some growing pains (trying to make money to keep investors […]

The FAQ to Social Media for Small Businesses

The FAQ to Social Media for Small Businesses

For many social media is a mystery. How does it work? How do I get more customers with it? How much time does it take? Is it worth it in the long run? How do I participate? We know how you feel, several of our clients came on with the same concerns. When a new outlet for growth comes along, there are always a lot of questions, and we would […]

Is Facebook Worth It for Small Businesses?

Facebook, for so long has been the GO TO place for social media. Your offline friends and family are no doubt on Facebook, and I believe the latest number I saw was 90% or more of online American adults have an account, half of which use it everyday. It makes sense that a website with 1 billion accounts would be the place that every business wants to be, because, quite […]

5 Steps to a Facebook Strategy for Small Business

It’s hard to ignore a website with 1 billion users (over half of which are active everyday) when you have a small business. While I wouldn’t advise everyone to be socially active unless they have met the prerequisites, if you have some time to work on it every day, this is a great place to start. But I wouldn’t recommend starting without a facebook strategy for small business. Small Business […]

3 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Part of being successful in social media is using a strategy to get the results you have in mind. Whether you are active on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest or others it’s best to have some steps to follow that logically lead you to your goals. You wouldn’t drive across country without having some kind of map to go with, right? The same should apply for your business ventures. How to […]

Social Media for Small Business 101 – How to Use Linkedin

Social Media for Small Business 101 – How to Use Linkedin

I’ve been on linkedin for years, but it wasn’t until fairly recently that I’ve given it the attention I should, and I really enjoy it. I am still learning to optimize everything that can be done on Linkedin, but with the help of Lewis Howes (through video only, in his course Linkedinfluence) I’m meeting a lot of people and connecting with them outside of the business social network. Brand New […]

Social Media for Small Business 101: Other Company Fanpages

Social Media for Small Business 101: Other Company Fanpages

My goal with this blog is to help small business owners that want to learn more, but don’t have a lot of time, in the spirit of doing that I want to cut back on how long my how to posts are. Today: Other Company Fanpages Your fanpage is set up and now you want to start joining the conversation. The easiest way to do this is through the use […]