5 Ways To Get More Traffic with Social Media on Hubspot

Social Media on HubspotIf you use Hubspot you know there are a lot of options inside the interface that can help your business.

One majorly overlooked area is the Social Media area of Hubspot, in the several clients I have worked with, their social media efforts are lacking, while they focus on content and SEO.

I’ve already covered the importance of social media in inbound marketing, but today we are going to look at how to get more traffic to your Hubspot website with social media.

Embrace Social Media on Hubspot

*Please note, if you do not use Hubspot these are still good tips to follow for more traffic!

1- Use Large Social Media Share Buttons

Turn on your social sharing buttons. I suggest using the large sharing buttons because it calls a bit more attention to the option to share. It does look a little less professional but if you take the time to test you should see it be more effective.

2- Publish to All Social Media Platforms

Use all of your social media connections to post to each platform. Specifically you want to publish to Linkedin Groups. Especially if you are in the B2B sector this is important for traffic.

3- Repost Your Content on Twitter

Schedule reposts, especially to Twitter. Your tweets have a very short life, from the time the post is made, you will see most of the traffic and interaction in the first hour. I would schedule a few tweets with different quotes from the blog post for up to 3 times the first day, then once a day for a few more days. You should play with these numbers to see what works best for your following.

4- Ask Readers to Share Your Content

Ask readers to share on their favorite platform. In your closing paragraph mention the sharing buttons and ask them to share if they enjoyed the post, just like any other call to action, you sometimes have to lead them along to do what you want.

5- Turn off Automation

Do not automate blog post distribution. Simply posting the title and the link is not a catchy way to get traffic, instead add a comment, tell them something they will learn, make the tweet or share more interesting than a post title. Until Hubspot offers this on the post page itself it’s best to not automate and go publish to social media after you are done publishing the blog post.

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