You’ve heard “it doesn’t matter how many likes you have on Facebook” right? Or, “the number of followers you have on Twitter isn’t that important”. What matters is what you do with these likes and followers, or so the advice says. Likes are really important. Social media consultants try many ways to get likes and get caught up in the industry. They (we) get caught up in the numbers that show […]
by Mary Green, a social media expert at Social Media Fuze Starting a blog is easy but growing it is the other way around: takes a lot of time, effort and patience. The 7 hot tips to grow your blog that I am going to share with you through this article will help you grow your brand new blog faster than you think Your level of inspiration will get high as […]
Updated on October 14, 2015: How to get more Twitter followers method 4- Reply to Bigger Brands, Method 5- Write Guest Posts to get more followers on Twitter, and Method 6- Buy cheap followers on Fiverr for as low as $5 for 10,000 followers. One of the cheapest ways of getting more Twitter followers is by increasing how many people you follow. There are a lot of people on Twitter who will follow you back, […]
I’ve been pushing people I know to blog for quite awhile. Most think I’m a little crazy, don’t have the time (they say) or just haven’t taken an interest. In their defense there really are a lot of options out there for marketing a company, so why choose blogging over any of the others? (Good idea for the next post, huh?) Either way, a friend of mine recently started a […]