10 Ways to Use Social Media for Small Businesses

Social Media for Small BusinessesA major part of successful online marketing campaigns is social media. Based on in-depth research and testing, we have identified Social Media as a major aspect of successful online marketing. Here we’re listing the 10 ways that small businesses can get the most out of their social presence.

Customer service

Let customers leave questions on your page, because it is easier for them, and respond as quickly as possible.
Others can see the posts and get their questions answered without having to call support.

Product feedback

Have a new product idea? It can cost thousands to have a new product prototype made up, instead draw up a sketch, or post some fabric pics to see if anyone would be interested.


Need a few people to test your product and tell you if there are any design flaws? Post on your social accounts and you’ll fill trial spaces quickly.

It sure beats paying for thousands to be made and then processing refunds. And with your own accounts you don’t have to seek out testers on several forums, blogs, groups, etc.

Product launches

Want to make a big splash for your next product launch?

Use your social media accounts, host a party, and invite hundreds of people, they’ll love how easy it is to participate when you hold it through a platform they are comfortable with.

Find New Customers

Several tools let you seek out people talking about certain items, like diapers and wipes, or onesies. Use these to tell people about your products and services.

Get Sales

When you do have a sale, the best place to advertise it is on social media.

Be sure to give people plenty of anticipation time, so they can save money. Then send them the right links and promo codes a few days before it starts.

Share Events

If you have a live event use the event feature on Facebook to invite people and let them invite their friends as well, the social aspect helps make it go viral.

Decrease Marketing Costs

When using social media to advertise you can often cut back on other marketing costs, saving money as a whole and enjoying the marketing a lot more on your side.

Find Distributors or New Products

It’s easy to use social media search to find distributors, contact them, and begin negotiations. You can also see new products coming out and make contact to get them in your own store.

Build Marketing Relationships

Find and build relationships with other store owners, distributors, product creators, blog owners, etc. When you have something new coming up you can reach out to these people for advice and to get their promotion assistance.

– Need Help?

Social media is always changing, and for a company that is already busy running their day to day production it can be difficult to stay on top of new advances, even if they can be amazingly useful to your business.

Contact Social Media Fuze and we will set up your campaign, help you attract fans, and provide daily interaction.

We have the skills, mindset, experience, proven results, and time to dedicate to using this low cost form of marketing for high returns.
Please visit our social media services page to discover more about our services and pricing.

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1 Comment

  1. This really stands out among tips for small business. for every business to grow or sale more today, they need all this tips you guys lay up here… thanks for sharing and keep the good job up!!

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