Social Media Service Prices

social media service pricesIn order to get your company active in social media, you need someone that will do the services.

Unless you have someone in your office that has already invested a lot of time into learning social media practices, strategies, ideas, playing with platforms, etc, you’ll need to hire someone, outsource the work, or hire a firm to do it.

In order to make the best decision, you should have some idea what social media prices are, what services you need, and who to hire to get the best results.

Business Consulting Services

Business consulting is more challenging and needs expertise not only in marketing tactics, but in social media tools also, for maintaining sustainable relationships with target audience, majority of them are available online.

How to optimize one’s business performance is the big question everybody is asking these days because advertising and marketing methods are undergoing huge changes and the behavior of the target consumers needs to be constantly tracked via social media networks.

Orchestrating a business consulting competitive edge, proficient online marketers can help you to develop the best business strategy for your small to medium establishment (SME) so that it will remain efficient and agile in the myriad online interaction sites, blog discussions etc.

Social Media Service PricesSocial Media Service Prices

Daily content– The prices for daily updates to various platforms will depend on whether or not you want a strategy to go with it. For instance, an expert would put together a social media content calendar and update multiple formats a day, with an end goal in mind. This could cost $300-$800 a month to cover consulting time, content production, tracking and reporting.

On the other hand you could have someone write social media updates without a drawn out plan for as little as $1 per day, and then have the updates synchronized to multiple platforms. Setup for this service would probably run around $200 or more, but regular updates added month after month would be on a monthly basis from about $300.

The difference is in the results. An expert would have a plan to entertain, educate, and provide value to your followers in order to get them to sign up, purchase, or participate in a certain activity. In this case you would see better ROI, than not having a plan, but just updating based on what you think followers want to see.

When to spend less on social media-
A small business that wants to begin building relationships with followers, but can not invest into social media for 3-6 months with no return should at the very least decide on a platform or two to be active on, and provide daily updates.

This alone won’t guarantee success with your efforts but you should see a trickle of likes coming in, increased engagement, etc.

Setup Price on each social platform-
This can be done by someone with little experience, by following instructions on several blogs that are specific to each platform. Someone with more experience will set up your profiles and fanpage with best practices, such as the correct dimensions for the profile and cover image, keyword research for your fanpage and twitter profile, a company page for LinkedIn, etc. Professional set up will cost approximately $300 per platform.

Someone will need to respond to your on page posts, your mentions, new follows, tags, etc. When you have few followers you should be able to handle this yourself, by keeping an eye on notifications as they come in. Check several times a day, so as to not miss any important posts or messages.

With bigger accounts it is easier to hire someone to do this, because there is a never ending amount of engagement that can be done. On average, you would pay several hundred dollars a month for this as part of a package, because of the time investment. It can be done on a smaller scale if necessary, but the results from this will directly relate to your investment here. Remember, social media is about relationships.

A lucrative way to use social media is to get more leads, one way to do this is monitoring conversations across platforms for terms, questions, competitor names, brands, products, etc that you can address, and turn into leads for your business. A professional will have tools they can use to make the process faster, and have experience finding the best terms to monitor. For each platform you can expect to pay $100-$400 for setup and then management costs per month.

Reputation Management-
Making sure you know what people are saying about your business, and then handling any negative comments professionally without issue is an art form that social media managers perfect to save the company face, and effectively keep the company from losing sales and profit when a customer or client is upset.

The reputation manager will keep issues from gaining momentum and turning into PR nightmares. This again, can cost several hundred per month based on the size of your company, your followers, and the vast reach your company has.

There are other services that coincide with Social media, including bookmarking, blogging content, image design for regular posts, tracking and reporting that may also add into the price a social media expert would provide.

You can learn more about prices, and find out the best direction for your business by downloading “Does My Business Need Social Media?” our free report that helps small businesses make the best decision on social media for their company.


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