8 Best Places to Get A Virtual Assistant As Social Media Manager

get a social media manager

You definitely need a social media manager when you have plenty of tasks to be completed besides the tedious chores of social media marketing. Whether you own a small or medium sized business, the social media management is inevitable these days for having increased exposure and sales. But time management gets on harder with this laborious activity in the to-do-list.

And so the need of a virtual assistant (or commonly known as VA) arises. A virtual assistant is a person who works remotely from the comfort zone of his/her home and assists you in managing a variety of activities. These activities range from administrative tasks to technical services, customer support to social media marketing services and so on.

Platforms That Let You Find A Great Social Media Manager (Or VA):

Since social media management demands time and concentration in order to show the desired results. That is the reason, you must consider an individual who can be hired as a virtual social media manager, designated with the task of managing social media campaigns.

But how to hire an efficient virtual assistant or social media assistant? This is the phase that needs you to concentrate in a proper way. Having credentials of the proficient candidates is one of the significant elements in this hiring process.

In this regard, a number of recruitment or employment platforms can help you greatly. We are here to show you the best places where you can get an efficient as well as a reliable virtual assistant you can rely on for managing your social media services.

  • Upwork:

One of the largest freelancing platforms, Upwork is the online place where you can find a large pool of talented individuals. Once you get registered there as an employer, you may build your own profile and can post your projects with thorough job descriptions.

You will start receiving applications from potential candidates with strong background as Virtual Assistants. You can include different questions with the job description so that candidates will answer them and you can sort out candidates as per their answers and other details. The payments are funded in escrow and everything is quite simple to do here with a well-organized system.

  • VA Networking:

 Being in the market since 2003, VA Networking is a large social network of virtual assistants. This place will get you potential social media manager. It is totally free to join and you can Submit a Request for Proposal in order to hire a virtual assistant for social media marketing.

  • Guru:

 Like Upwork, this is one more network for finding competent profiles of social media manager or virtual assistant. You can browse through the profiles of potential freelancers all around the world by using keywords or country names.

Moreover, you can submit your job on board and will receive different proposals shortly. On the basis of your own selection criteria, sort out the candidates who match your criteria and finally hire the one. You can deposit the funds with Guru and as you get your final work, you can release the deposited funds immediately to get the virtual assistant paid.

  • Fiverr:

Another great platform for finding a talented social media manager as a virtual assistant is Fiverr. As the name implies, the platform serves with candidates who offer a variety of gigs at the rate of $5.

You can post your job description of Virtual Assistant under the same gig. So, you will have a huge number of applicants with a diverse background and qualifications. The process of purchasing the gig is quite simple and fast. The freelancer will submit you the work done and you can even post a review about your work experience with that freelancer.

  • Resource Nation:

This is a quite easy to use network and will enable you to find a highly skilled social media manager (or Virtual Assistant). You can receive free VA quotes just by following three simple steps. First, you briefly describe your project details, the system will get you some qualified VAs on the basis of your specified requirements. Finally, you can compare the quotes and hire one of them.

The most interesting feature of Resource Nation is that you will not have a pile of quotes from different candidates. Rather, the system selects the top 5 vendors as per your mentioned criteria and you can compare their skills and quotes and will have a potential person for managing social media campaigns shortly.

  • Twitter:

 Although, it is one of the largest social networking channels. But Twitter is really handy for finding the right talent as a social media assistant. You can tweet about the job details for which you need a VA.

In the limit of 140 characters, you can post about job details but you can provide a link within the tweet as well where the detailed description is provided. Many of the VA businesses or freelancers will start replying you on the tweet.You can start a conversation with them and finalize the one after an interview.

  • Facebook:

 This giant social networking platform can be used for finding the best talent. There are many groups and communities where different jobs and project descriptions are posted on a regular basis. Many of the qualified virtual assistants (having a background in social media marketing) will start sending you messages.

You can have a pre – set selection criteria with interview questions. So, finalize your candidate on the basis of that criteria. This way you can have an experienced individual for managing your social media campaigns, Facebook ads and other significant chores to get organized.

Note: In the case of Twitter and Facebook, you would have to discuss the payment transfer methods with the hired candidate. The payment transfer mode (like PayPal, Moneygram etc) you both are agreed on can be used to transfer payments as per the set schedules.

  • Hire My Mom:

 A vast network of women professionals that will let you find a top – notch talent for your project. Hire My Mom is the service where a number of women (or moms) in the search of work from home jobs place their profiles.

The service helps such women professionals find flexible and legitimate jobs that they can do from home. And this way the platform also serves businesses recruiting the best talent to grow their teams. Simply post your project and get connected with a highly qualified individual.


There are many easy ways to find a great talent that you can add to your team. Hiring a competent Virtual Assistant (as social media manager) will let you concentrate on other primary chores of your business. Such freelancing platforms will give you a maximized exposure to the qualified virtual assistants.

Remember there are no particular educational and experience standards for a virtual assistant. It is all based on your own criteria and requirements. If a candidate meets the criteria, just hire the person to get your work started right now.

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  1. BIG POST!

    So that entrepreneurs can hire awesome VA’s in just 5 minutes and 7 clicks (no one has anytime to recruit

    Anyway I am off to share this with my closest 9k Twitter followers 😉


  2. Hiring a virtual assistant can help with productivity and business growth. But it is really important to know what tasks exactly you want your virtual assistant to do because otherwise it can bring a lot of confusion and frustration into a work.

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