7 Facebook Ad Tips to Start a Social Media Campaign

Facebook Ad Tips for Social Media Campaigns

When it comes to social media marketing, most campaign managers feel that it’s as simple as posting a status, upload photos, and like comments on their Facebook page. Unfortunately, most of them did not receive the results they wanted, no matter how many times they updated their Facebook page.

So what are you doing wrong and how do you make it right? That’s why, in order to make things easier for you and to boost your sales, we have brought to you eight Facebook ads tips that will enable you to launch a social media campaign on Facebook and boost your business in the best way.

Set clear objectives and goals:

Defining your objectives and goals is one of the critical parts of the social media campaign, and with such a significant number of individuals disregarding this progression, it is imperative that you do not do that same too. Setting goals and objectives is the first step to success in the business world. Your ads must be continuous, they must be well aligned and they must give out the same message every time; for every kind of message that you want to send, set a good and timely social media campaign.

If your business is a clothing retail and you want to promote the new line of jeans that you have, create a multiple post based campaign regarding your jeans. Over a month or two, you can talk about your jeans, their threads, their specialties, their qualities, etc. Don’t post about jeans in the morning and then about T-Shirts In the evening, underwears the next morning before going back to jeans.

These objectives are fundamental as it enables you to calculate the results and contrive whether your social media campaign is actually performing well on Facebook or not. Always have a clear and distinct path to follow because if you don’t have a well-defined path to follow, your audience won’t have a well-defined marketing message to push them towards that sale.

Identify your target audience:

Facebook has amazing targeting features, but to take full advantage of that, you need to know your target audience first.

You can also enhance your social media campaign by integrating their trends into your caption. For example, if Game Of Thrones is trending with your target audience base currently, you can insert puns like “Winter is Coming” in your content or you know, something about incest also works:

Facebook ad example

Always narrow down your business to a particular group of people where you will be able to promote your service or product more adequately. Every business has a target demographic, that is, the people who you know are going to be active subscribers to your business’s products and services. Try to get to know them as much as you can.

So for example, if you have an online cosmetics store, it’s not only enough to know that your target audience is female, try to find out where they live, what are their preferences, which trends are they currently following, etc.

Sometimes you will not be able to get all the information that you require, but it’s okay to make educated guesses and do some split tests.

Use eye-catching and impressive images:

In order to make your Facebook ads noteworthy, you will need to utilize the most stunning pictures in order to gain the attention of your customers right away. The first thing you need to do is to discover which pictures have that is correlated to your service or product. Along with that, you must execute as many tests possible. While most entrepreneurs are focused on the content of a social media ad, they put little or no significance on the images. Always remember that images speak more than words.

If you don’t have a great image for a topic, you can always resort to using Videos or GIFs. In fact, using a dynamic post maybe a better tactic to grab the attention of your target audience; nowadays, more and more digital entrepreneurs are emphasizing on the using dynamic posts rather than static posts.

Create video content for your page:

Continuing from tip number two, dynamic contents such as videos can be a great way to boost your sales and revenue. Videos can grasp attention and build credibility for your business as well because, at the end of the day, a very well designed post still looks cheap compared to a nice-looking video.

Facebook video ad example

Every day hundreds and thousands of video content of video content are uploaded and about 55 per cent of the video content promotes various companies, online stores, and online business. Also, Facebook users watch more than 75 to 80 million hours of video content each day from all over the worlds. Video content enables you to promote your brand and create a bond with your target audience. In fact, companies who actively use dynamic contents for social media marketing often receive better traction than video based posts. Dynamic contents are also found to receive more engagement as compared to static content.

Design ads tailored to the preferences of your target customers:

Facebook is a great social media advertising platform, there’s no doubt about that, you can essentially reach out with your ads to thousands of people within seconds. But in order to gain the attention of your target audience, you will need to design effective Facebook ads.

Instead of developing short-term social media campaign, it is better to create long-term social media campaign where you can easily update your ad weekly and monthly by understanding the preferences of your customers. You must understand that customers want to receive quality product or service instead of opting for the cheapest one available.

Convoy your ads with landing pages:

A landing page focuses on a specific group of people. You can create landing pages that will enable the prospective customers to use coupons, discount codes, and redeem offers and much more. Landing pages enable you to bolster your social media campaign on Facebook by providing information about the products or services you offer to your clients before requesting them to purchase.

Landing pages bode well on the grounds of maximizing your return on investment for Facebook ads. If you are planning to invest in the clicks then you would want each one of them to count.

Split-test to know what works best:

In case of Facebook Ads Optimization, you will need to have a clear and full-fledged plan. It is imperative that you test your social media ad in order to gain success in your business but that does not imply that you will create a bunch of posts and post them on Facebook just to check which of them works. This is a wrong approach in the world of advertising.

Use the proven and tested method of split testing. Generate posts which you are most comfortable with and when you are setting the ad, create multiple ad sets targeted to multiple avenues of your target audience base.  After a given period of time, say one day or two, test your ads to find out which one performed better. Repeat the process until you have a clear idea regarding which type of audience base likes which type of content.

Create multiple sets of ads under the same campaign, analyzing the data gets much more easier!

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