10 Tips for Using Social Media Recruiting to Find Potential Candidates

10 Tips for Social Media Recruiting

Social recruitment or social media recruiting is something that has totally changed the recruitment and hiring processes. Being a juggernaut in connecting people all across the world from different cultures, professions, and interests, social media tremendously helps companies to reach out potential candidates.

Your customers and employees can play a role as brand ambassadors and help you bring highly-qualified and talented individuals to your candidate’s pool. How social media helps you evangelize your business mission, these powerful tips will give you the answer.

Benefits Of Social Media Recruiting

The businesses can utilize social media for recruiting in an efficient manner. Promoting company culture and letting employees share positive stories, you can bring qualified individuals to your talent board.

These are some of the top-notch benefits that a company can acquire with social recruitment.

·       Instant View Of Resume Details

The social profiles (on LinkedIn and Facebook particularly) include necessary details of a person. And so you have an ability to view the resume details in an instant way without asking them to send their resumes.

·       Easy Access To Candidates

Social media recruiting expands the ways for an easy access to proficient candidates. Searching with a few clicks will yield you passionate professionals and a chance to know about their amazing talent and accomplishments.

·       Economical Recruitment Process

If you are short of budget, social recruiting is the best option to have potential talent without any cost, Unless you utilize paid options of advertising, social media recruiting is entirely free.


Social Media Recruiting Tips To Hire Genuine Talent

In this post, we will give you the social recruiting tips that you can utilize on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. to reach out a potential talent.

·       Stay Active On Facebook’s Company Page

Facebook is one of the largest social media networks and has over 400 million active users. And so, the platform gives you an immense opportunity to recruit potential talent all across the world.

It is essential for social media recruiting to set up your company’s page on Facebook. Make your page up to date by giving complete and relevant information about your company in ‘About’ section.

social media recruiting about page

Ensure a regular and up-to-date posting schedule on the page, so the candidates have more interest in your brand. And they have a curiosity to become a part of your organization. Keep posting industry updates, news, events, photos of your company to showcase a positive and dynamic image of your brand.

·       Set Up Company Page On LinkedIn

When it comes to social media recruiting, LinkedIn is above all others. It is a social network that connects world’s professionals from different disciplines. You must develop a social recruiting policy to employ LinkedIn essentials.

The first step is to build a company page on LinkedIn with complete and necessary details about your company. A company page (on LinkedIn) appears in search results and must showcase your brand’s image with relevant and complete details.

Make sure to use keywords (people use to find your company) in the description and specialties sections. This way your page will be appearing in Google search results as well for such keywords.

·       Hold Live Q & A Sessions Via Periscope

Periscope is another trending social platform to connect with a larger audience. It enables you to set up a live video stream from your phone so others can also access that stream.

Social Media Recruiting Via PeriscopeA number of big companies use the platform to hold Q & A sessions, that give them a chance to connect with employees, recruiters, and potential candidates. Holding such sessions or broadcasting your company’s events will bring more talented people on board.

·       Keep Track Of Employees’ Profiles

Most of the candidates view a company’s page as well as its employees’ profiles on LinkedIn to get an idea about the culture and environment. Keep an eye on their profiles as the updated profiles with positive recommendations leave a good impression on candidates. So, this will pique their curiosity to work for your organization.


Taking the above example from Nestle: Their company’s official page also showcases the ‘Nestle employees’ from where one can visit their profiles.  And just below the employee’s section, ‘Careers’ section is displayed to take you to their page having job postings.

·       Create Facebook Groups

Another great way to leverage company’s internal communication is to use Facebook Groups. The group will have your employees and staff as members and should have the privacy settings as ‘Private’. So, no one outside the company can see your activities and communication.

Defining policies and rules for the group, the employees can be allowed to post exciting stuff. With humorous videos and images (that do not violate the policies), an active engagement can be maintained.

·       Target Specific Demographic With Facebook Ads

Though, you have free job posting option on Facebook. But if you are unable to find the right candidates this way, Facebook Ads is a genuine way to get the desired results. Facebook Ad gives you an opportunity to choose an exact audience for which you want the ads to be displayed.

Crafting an attention-grabbing message with an enticing photo you can drive a huge traffic to your company’s page. While setting up the ad, Facebook will ask you a couple of questions regarding the target demographic.

These questions include the age group, gender, geographical locations, interests and keywords (that you should enter related to the job posting) so the ad is viewed by the right audience.

·       Use LinkedIn Filters To Find Perfect Fit

LinkedIn offers intelligent criteria to link with candidates. Searching on the platform results in a massive list of profiles. There are advanced filters that can be applied to narrow down the results. You can search candidates’ profiles by location, years of experience, current company, area of expertise etc.

·       Make Use Of Twitter Hashtags

Hashtags can’t be overlooked when it comes to recruiting through Twitter. With hashtags, you can find and share content on the social network. Anyone using the hashtag (that you used in your tweets) would be able to view your tweets as well.

While practicing social media recruiting, you need to brainstorm for a couple of hashtags that you can embed in tweets to make them widely accessible. You must incorporate two to three hashtags in a recruiting tweet.

Social Media Recruiting - hashtags

  • The first hashtag should be the recruiting one. This should be memorable and related to your brand.
  • The second hashtag should be the one that is used for specific jobs. Like #disneyjobs particularly represent the jobs available at Disney.
  • And the third one should be a broad hashtag that is searched by a wider audience. #jobhunt, #careers, #hiring etc. are such broader hashtags that will let your postings viewed by maximum job seekers.

·       Increase Views On Job Postings

You have to get the job posting viewed by a greater audience. As much the posting is viewed by more people, you will be able to get more talented individuals. Practicing the following will help you increase the views.

  • Embed appropriate and relevant keywords in job posting.
  • Promote the posts in communities and groups related to your niche.
  • Fill up your company’s details and relevant information in the description area.

·       Vet Candidates Through Twitter

A well-planned strategy for social media recruiting through Twitter will increase the chances to acquire skilled individuals. You can have a real-time connection with candidates as well. Posting tweets about current vacancies, you can receive a number of comments and retweets.

Analyzing the profiles of people showing interest will help you scrutinize their behavior and other interests. Through their tweets and conversation, you can judge about their communication skills, interests and ability to work in a team.


Get Back To You

Pursuing the above-mentioned tips will result in a social media recruiting policy that gives you highly skilled and qualified candidates. What other suggestions do you have in order to develop a successful social recruiting strategy?

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