7 Steps to Linkedin Leads Success

Linkedin is addictive. Once you start getting familiar with all of the features, you’ll love being on the site.

Admittedly, it takes time to ‘understand’ this social network, because it isn’t like other social media sites. You have to become active and put yourself out there to see if anything happens.

Working with several types of businesses on their social media accounts, and by putting in my own time on countless sites like Branch Out, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, BizSugar, etc, I’ve noticed opportunities that many businesses are missing out on, by not fully embracing Linkedin.

Hubspot, an inbound marketing software, says that companies using Linkedin see on average 277% more B2B leads than any other social network.

The other day while talking to a new client, they told me the percentage for them is more like 1000%.

Could you use 277% to 1000% more Leads from Social Media?

Clearly, if you aren’t embracing Linkedin you are missing out, so let’s talk about how you can get more Linkedin leads- because we all want just a few more prospects for our products and services, right?

Step 1- Make Time for Linkedin Leads

The biggest issue I see for people is not having the time to spend on Linkedin. Even those who know it is worth it often find they don’t take the time.My challenge to you is to spend 15 minutes a day for 2 weeks on Linkedin. Surely in an effort to improve leads as much as you would like to, you can afford 15 minutes a day (I’ll even give you Saturday and Sunday off).

Give me 15 minutes a day for 2 weeks!

Step 2- Fix Your Profile & Headline

I check on my profile often and I’m fairly active, so I would venture to guess you have some changes you need to make. The biggest section is the summary. Even if this takes a couple of days of your 15 minutes answer these questions:

  • Who you are?
  • Who you help?
  • How you help?

Your headline needs to tell people what you do, when they hover over your name they will see this, it is ULTIMATELY IMPORTANT!!Finish your profile with a call to action and a text link to your site (a landing page is best)- visitors can copy and paste.

Your Profile Is The Corner Stone To Success On Linkedin

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Step 3- Regularly Update Your Profile

Everyday take a few minutes to share articles relevant to how you help others. You most likely already have sources you use to get news, copy a few of those links and post them into Linkedin. You can share your own links here as well, but I recommend mixing in other links to keep connections informed.If you use tools like BufferApp you can schedule them to appear every few hours- Buffer is free so definitely check it out- they will even suggest articles for you to share.Here is my latest update:

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Step 4- Read Your Home Feed & Respond to Others

Now that you’ve shared, go through and read your home feed, see what others are sharing, mark a few posts for later with Pocket or send them to your email for reading when you have time. Respond to at least 3 professional updates in your home feed EVERY DAY! Here is a screenshot of someone who is active and hose interacting with him.

Engage Others to Get Their Attention!

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Step 5- Join A Group & Participate

You are at about 10 minutes a day right now, so let’s test out these groups everyone loves. Admittedly this might take you some time to find a good group to join, I’ll give you 2 days to go through several groups and see if they hit our goals for groups:Browse groups by searching for a topic in the top search box on Linkedin

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  • Many recent discussions
  • People from your target market – you do know who you want as a client right?
  • Related blog posts are shared
  • People actually engaging with the discussions- not just posts but people talking as well

Here is a screenshot of a group that is very active- through probably not in your target market:

Groups Are A Hot Bed Of Connection Opportunities- Can we say ROLODEX Anyone?

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Step 6- Offer to Make Connections

As you are going through your group and participating in discussion, reach out to others you would like to have in your network. I recommend one new connection a day. When your connection is accepted, send a follow up message introducing yourself and asking them to tell you more about themselves.

Step 7- Step Up Your Time Investment

Now that you’ve taken the two weeks, I’m sure you are making connections and seeing some traffic and profile views. When you can, add more groups, update your profile more often and respond to others at an increased pace.

Success Is Up To You- Make The Time & See The Results

Let me know-

What other tips would you suggest for those trying to do better on Linkedin? Have you tried Linkedin before and you just can’t make it work? – Let’s chat about it on Skype or through email, I offer free 15 minute consultations.Last but not least come connect with me, just mention this post and I’ll be your newest connection 🙂

Learn About Hiring A Social Media Manager to Handle Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin For You!
Save yourself the time and hassle of learning it all yourself- I can help.

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  4. I finally decided to participate in groups more. It really doesn’t do any good to just have an inactive profile. I agree with all your points. I’m going to share your article on my LinkedIn profile. Thanks for the tips.

    • That’s great Elizabeth. Make sure you choose groups where your target market is, it’s far more beneficial when you do this rather than just groups where you are with a lot of people in your expertise. I’ve been moving away from some social groups to inbound and CEO groups- far more leads 🙂

      I’ll fix your link, it looks like you forgot the r in your link.


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