Gremln the Hootsuite Alternative for Monitoring and Scheduling Social Media

Being able to monitor several social profiles all at the same time and in the same place is very important for social media managers. Regardless of whether you have one client (set of social media profiles) or many, Hootsuite has been regarded the TOP social media dashboard, but today I introduce you to Gremln. Streams are called Panels, and Tabs are called Pages Design To start with Gremln looks a […]

What Is Sprout Social? My Favorite Social Media Software

What Is Sprout Social? My Favorite Social Media Software

Being in social media, means I have a LOT of options when it comes to social media software. There are programs that have all kinds of features, and I would love to try them all, but you, you don’t have time for that, so I want to tell you about one I just started using, and plan to use for quite awhile. What is Sprout Social? Sprout Social is a […]

My Favorite Social Media Monitoring Tools

To make the most of my time on social media, I really have to use and explore social media monitoring tools that help me save time, and get results. Today I just wanted to share some of my favorite social media tools for this. BufferApp– One of the fastest ways to share links across multiple platforms. You can add three free platforms, and easily schedule out posts. I don’t use […]

Use TweetWally to Monitor Twitter for Opportunities

Use TweetWally to Monitor Twitter for Opportunities

No matter what industry you are in, you can find tweets from people who are likely to be interested in your products and services. If your business is about dog training you can find people tweeting about their dogs potty training, or chewing up their shoes. A dentist can find people complaining about mouth problems, everyone should be able to find something. The important part is knowing what to look […]