11 Tips To Provide Clients With Higher Quality Content

11 Tips To Provide Clients With Higher Quality Content

As a content provider, over the past 8 years I’ve written blog posts for a variety of agencies and their clients. Combining this experience with my love of inbound marketing, I’ve come up with a few tips I think will help agencies and other writers provide quality content on behalf of their end clients. Inbound Marketing & Quality Content Hubspot has done a great job jumpstarting a movement towards content […]

6 Popular Content Marketing Plans That Guarantee Results

6 Popular Content Marketing Plans That Guarantee Results

If you have a blog or social media profile you’ve most likely seen or heard someone tell you ” give readers valuable content”. What does that mean?! There are so many opinions on what valuable content is, what it can do for you and how you can come up with it. To say the least it can be difficult to figure out, to know what strategy is the right one […]

What Inbound Marketing Agencies Are Doing Wrong & How to Fix It- Part 1

Over the last 2 years I’ve worked with a handful of inbound marketing agencies. I like how inbound marketing works with blogging, social media, and seo, all areas I have a lot of experience with, unfortunately, I’ve seen some things agencies are doing wrong, or at the very least, they could improve. Are You Posting Useless Content To ‘Help’ SEO for Your Clients? Based on keyword optimization and density, not […]

Definition Inbound Marketing- Understanding Inbound Vs Outbound Marketing

What is this inbound marketing that people keep talking about? Hopefully this will clear things up for you: Hubspot is the company that I first heard use ‘inbound marketing‘ to coin how they were changing marketing. Inbound marketing is providing readers with information, and getting their permission to market to them, instead of outbound marketing that consistently goes out there and interrupts people such as Tv commercials, telemarketing, junk mail, […]

Quickly Increase Blog Post Views With These Tips

If you are posting on a blog every week day, you are providing a lot of content about your topic. But! Are you getting a lot of post views? For many who are just starting out with their inbound campaigns, blog posts are getting as few as 10 (yes TEN) post views! Get More Post Views for Inbound Campaigns This strategy is actually very simple, and can be done in […]

How to Use Social Media Personas with Inbound Marketing

When using inbound marketing to attract clients to your business, one of the first things you will do is develop personas. By coming up with 3-7 personas you can more tightly target the type of customer you want to do business with. Personas are great for developing content, landing pages, and downloads, but what about using personas from your inbound marketing campaigns for social media? The strategy for using social media personas is often […]

8 Steps to Social Media Blog Distribution for Inbound Marketing

For inbound marketing, social media has a few purposes that really help grow a follower base for small businesses that useinbound marketing. One of these purposes is social media blog distributionand SEO. Based on my own research and work with client blogs and websites, social bookmarking and distribution has helped with the SEO rankings and indexing of new blog posts and content on client websites. Our Social Media Blog Distribution Process […]