Definition Inbound Marketing- Understanding Inbound Vs Outbound Marketing

definition of inbound marketingWhat is this inbound marketing that people keep talking about? Hopefully this will clear things up for you:

Hubspot is the company that I first heard use ‘inbound marketing‘ to coin how they were changing marketing.

Inbound marketing is providing readers with information, and getting their permission to market to them, instead of outbound marketing that consistently goes out there and interrupts people such as Tv commercials, telemarketing, junk mail, etc.

Forms of Inbound Marketing:

  • Writing content for search engine optimization- SEO
  • Blogging about topics your readers care about
  • eBooks, Whitepapers, Guides
  • Social media when you’ve been liked, fanned or followed
  • Email marketing – where they’ve subscribed to your newsletter

But inbound marketing is not just for the internet.

Offline Forms of Inbound Marketing

  • Sending newsletters in the mail
  • Live seminars
  • Live classes
  • Packets
  • Pamphlets

Other terms that are have similar meanings to inbound marketing: content marketing and permission marketing.

Content Marketing & Inbound Marketing

Content marketing specifically concentrates on using content to deliver your message and value to the potential audience.

The difference tends to depend on the person you ask, but both rely heavily on blogging.

Definition Permission Marketing

Permission marketing is similar because when someone is searching for content it is considered that they have given you permission to market to them with your content.

But it also focuses heavily on email and social media where you have explicitly given your permission for companies to send you messages.

Fuze & Inbound Marketing

I specifically like inbound marketing because I like providing valuable content to people, and connecting with them through social media.

In addition, I’ve found that through social media, I can strategically distribute content to the people who want to see it, at the same time getting results for clients with social media and search. It’s a win-win.


Inbound marketing statistically produces leads that are up to 61% less expensive, according to a Hubspot survey.

If you want to learn more about inbound marketing, send me a message and I’ll answer as quickly as possible.

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