How to Flight Facebook’s Algorithm and Get More Post Likes in 2019

How to Flight Facebook’s Algorithm and Get More Post Likes in 2019

In the past year 2018, Facebook’s algorithm has made it difficult for brands to increase Facebook posts exposure. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook would be changing its news feed algorithm to prioritize content from friends, family, and groups. The new changes will inevitably diminish posts from brands, marketers, and businesses.  Just because of the new Facebook algorithm every brand has to spend more time on generating organic traffic […]

How to Use Blogs to Get More Followers on Social Media

How to Use Blogs to Get More Followers on Social Media

I often get asked how to get more likes and followers on Facebook. While the fastest way to get more fans is to use Facebook advertising (yup I said it), my best results have come from blogging. When I see a spike in my numbers on Facebook, it is almost always right after a blog post I wrote has gotten a lot of exposure. Facebook is not my most active […]

The Best Postcron Alternatives for Better Social Media Posting and Marketing

The Best Postcron Alternatives for Better Social Media Posting and Marketing

The Postcron alternative has been a buzzing hunt these days for social media marketers. In order to automate the daily social media activities, many tools are out there that facilitate marketers with their social media chores. These web-based Postcron alternatives are missing the key features to automate your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media content. A flock of marketers like me started looking for a reliable and high-quality alternative. […]

7 Quick Tips to Write a Better Facebook Post (Templates Included)

7 Quick Tips to Write a Better Facebook Post (Templates Included)

Discover 7 tips and their templates to improve Facebook posts (or status updates), as Facebook remains the default place to invest serious social media marketing budget. Use the following tips to build interest and create better engagement for your Facebook page. The idea is that it will serve as a digital outpost as well as a springboard to your main brand. Ask Questions One way to boost likes and elicit engagement from your […]

9 Social Media Dashboards To Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles

9 Social Media Dashboards To Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles

A social media dashboard is a program or website that allows you to manage many of your profiles in one place. For instance, you don’t have to go login to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Feedly, etc. You can make updates, manage notifications, mentions, direct messages, etc. Social media dashboards make social media managers’ lives easier. If you are looking for Hootsuite alternatives or Buffer competitors, this article will help […]

5 Easy Ways to Improve Online Visibility for your Business

5 Easy Ways to Improve Online Visibility for your Business

In this article you’ll find out the marketing methods and how much they will cost monthly to improve the online visibility of your business and search engine rankings of your website. We’ll explain how the tactics benefit your business and what results you can expect and look for. We’ve also included images to make it easier to understand, since we know that you might be busy working on other things […]

How to Run a Social Media Promotion on Facebook

How to Run a Social Media Promotion on Facebook

It still surprises me how many businesses I see that run social media promotions on their fanpages. I get that it is super easy to do, and that everyone else is doing it, but that doesn’t make it acceptable. You can lose your whole fan page by doing it, and it just isn’t worth it. You don’t want to have to start all over again, from 0 likes? You have […]