Not Active on Stumbleupon?- Don’t Bother Submitting Links!

Stumbleupon provides a lot of traffic to this website. When I put up a new blog post, it is one of the first places I submit a post. In the past it’s helped get my posts indexed quickly, but in addition it helps bring in some initial traffic, even if only briefly.

Given that, a lot of people talk about how useful Stumbleupon is for their website, and then hundreds of other people go sign up and submit their own links, that end up looking like this:

This post is over a week old, and has only gotten 1 stumble!

Why? Because they have an inactive account, and Stumble Upon knows this so they do not promote this content. Even if they got a few of their friends who do aren’t active either to stumble the link it wouldn’t help, because you have to have an active account to get any traffic.

Quick Steps To An Easy & Active StumbleUpon Account

  • Pick topics you are interested in.
  • Stumble 6 times each time you want to submit a link.
  • Use the thumbs up or thumbs down feature on each stumble.
  • Submit your link.
  • Stumble 3 more times.

You might notice that StumbleUpon traffic doesn’t convert very well, but it is nice to get that initial traffic to your post. It doesn’t take long to sumbit, and even with checking out other links, your time is worth it.

How About You?

Do you get good results with StumbleUpon? How do you make it work? Tell us below.

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1 Comment

  1. Nice tips Mary. I have noticed lately, and it might just be me, but everytime I click on a SU share button, it asks me to submit the post. Even if the post has obviously been submitted, I go straight to the submission form. And I am logged in, so I have no idea why. If others are experiencing the same issue, that would explain why shares are down. I even got it on this post which shows 53 stumbles right now. I took a screenshot and will tweet it to you, I don’t want to drop links on your blog.

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