8 Methods To Get Local Active Twitter Followers

1. Use the Free Tools on Twitter

This is to help small businesses I have found online that need to work on their Twitter following. I hope others find it useful.

Follow Local Twitter Followers Part 1

  1. Visit https://twitter.com/search-advanced
  2. In the ‘Near This Place’ field put in your zip code
  3. Results will come up showing people tweeting from your area
  4. Click each name and follow them
  5. Follow up to 200 a day this way

Get Local Twitter Followers Part 2

  1. Click on their name to see how many followers they have
  2. Click on the number of followers they have
  3. Start following their followers (who would be local of course)
  4. Follow the first 2 steps from Part 1
  5. Scroll through results looking for a business or popular name in your area

2. Use An Affordable Social Media Posting Software

Auto-generate and Tweet Interesting Local Content Using Fan Page Robot

Fan Page Robot is an automated social media management and marketing program tailors for busy (or lazy) internet marketers. It not only allows you to manages all your social media accounts, pages, and scheduling from a single location, but also can automatically create quality content and autopost to your accounts.

  1. Enter your keywords to generate compelling local content. The content generation and curation tools at Fan Page Robot make it extremely easy. get local Twitter followers tools
  2. Use your keywords to find and connect with local influencers in your industry. Retweet their posts.
  3. Create a popup campaign and post it to Twitter and other social media sites to generate local leads. Fan Page Robot lets you convert any web page into your lead page with just one click.
    get local Twitter followers software

3. Other Native Twitter Methods

Use Hashtags to Get Followers

  1. Find hashtags that fit your industry, by searching for your industry on Twitter
  2. Use 1-3 hashtag in each tweet

For Local Businesses
As you look for people to follow, note hashtags they are using for your area, and use these in your own tweets.

Share Local Content

  1. Regularly share the local news, events, and calendar with your followers. This will get them to retweet your tweets
  2. You can get most of this from the local news website
  3. Share weather, politics and non profit information to be helpful to your audience

Tweet Often

  1. It’s almost impossible to over tweet, tweet up to every half hour
  2. The more you tweet, the more followers you get
  3. Share news that people in your industry care about (use a hashtag for your industry)
  4. Retweet other good tweets
  5. Share funny stories

Your Twitter Profile

  1. Have a description of your company in your profile
  2. Share pictures often if you offer a visually pleasing service/product
  3. Use a fitting profile picture to represent you (accounts without profile pictures are not taken seriously)

Join The Conversation

  1. Spend a few minutes a day reaching out to people you follow
  2. Answer their tweets, comment on links, comment on pictures
  3. Visit their websites
  4. Respond to your mentions, follow new followers, and look for more people to connect with.

Search for Your Keywords on Twitter

  1. Go back to twitter.com/search-advanced
  2. Put in keywords customers would use to look for you
  3. Type in your zip code in ‘Near This Place’
  4. Respond to the tweets that could use your product or service

Extra Twitter Tips for Small Business

  1. You will find more success by visiting often
  2. Build relationships with people- don’t worry about offering too much information
  3. It takes time- no one grows a following over night
  4. Don’t buy followers- they are not real people who want to learn more about your business

Can You Help Me With Something?

I put this together just to help small businesses, I want to help them grow, see the value in social media, and the fun they can have by connecting with the people that support them and their businesses. Please feel free to share this post with anyone you see on Twitter that has a small following. I really appreciate it.

If you have more to add, please do so in the comments and I’ll edit the post to include them.

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