Buffer App Adds Facebook Groups for Admins

New Update on 5/1/2015:

Starting April 30th 2015, Facebook doesn’t allow 3rd party applications to post into a group which you are not an admin for. You can only use Buffer or any other Facebook group autoposters to post to your own group.

I just got an email from Buffer saying they finally have access to Facebook groups for Buffer. You know Buffer is my second favorite tool for social media (my favorite is Fan Page Robot), because it is super easy to send a quick update to several places at once, and it queues your updates as well- best of both worlds.

Buffer Adds Facebook Groups

For awhile now I’ve wanted to use Facebook groups for my updates but couldn’t get access, and I actually like that only admins can use the group autoposter because that means there will be less spam.

To sum it up for the skimmers:

  • Buffer Adds Facebook Groups
  • This may expand to all members
  • Fan Page Robot is an irreplaceable social media tool
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  1. This is great news! I can’t wait for them to add G+ profiles as well as G+ communities!

  2. So buffer can’t actually post to my facebook groups?

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