Finally I Have Found It, The Onlywire Alternative for Content Distribution

For years people have looked for an Onlywire alternative, this week I desperately needed it, and I am glad to report I found one.

My Journey For An Alternative

About two weeks ago I logged on to the internet to start my daily content distribution and was rudely interrupted on the Onlywire website with this message:

Onlywire is currently updating the website and will be back online by 6pm EST. (that was the just of it). There were to be changes, and NO, they did not tell anyone about this before hand, that I’ve seen.

So, Onlywire was down for the day, not a big deal but when it relaunched around 6pm, it was not the same Onlywire we are all used to. And, it hasn’t been the same ever since.


From that day until and including today there is one issue on top of another. Let’s go through each of them, quickly, just to express my displeasure with their ‘service’.

They removed the bulk distribute feature- where you could designate a different link for each bookmarking site.  If you’ve ever had to use a different tracking program than theirs, this is an issue.

Now you have to go to a submit page for each unique link you want to enter. Talk about TIME CONSUMING!! As an aside, Onlywire had an issue last year where their servers were hacked and their tracking links sent visitors to ‘other’ places, causing professional companies using the software to look quickly for a different tracking option.

The new interface was less friendly than the old clumsy interface, making it more difficult to switch between users. And, to boot, it doesn’t even work.

When I do click to go to the Users section, it doesn’t load, and I have to refresh several times.When I click to a user it takes me to the main account page, and I have to go back and forth until I actually get the user account page to come up. Then I have to click again to go Post.

Changed accounts in the middle of posting– While working on posts for the user I finally got to, I saved one post and when the page refreshed I was under a different user account, that I had not selected at all since the ‘upgrade’. This is when I stopped using it. You can’t submit one client’s work to another client’s – imagine that mess.

They have sent emails telling me our account authorizations were not working on several Users.

The Alternative(s) for Onlywire Content Distribution

I immediately set out to find an alternative, and came across a forum posting that listed a few comparable solutions. One such solution is called: Fan Page Robot.

I googled them quickly and was brought to their site. I immediately got an account.

After I join up I am connected with my Facebook account and then in my settings I can connect with other platforms. Currently they support 8 largest networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Blogger and your WordPress site. Good enough for me.

Once I have made my connections I can be posting content within a minute. I first create my schedules. So I can easily create a few days worth of posts – then get on with something else.

Much simpler submissions- YAY

Onlywire Alternative Software

Better yet, if I’m feeling lazy or I’m lacking in inspiration I can ask Fan Page Robot to find some content for me. In the below image you will see the results of a search where I asked for trending Social Media Marketing news that I think my readers might be interested in, I put in the term “social media marketing” and this is what I got back. See how current the results are.

Onlywire Alternative App

RSS Feeds

Both softwares take your rss feeds and automatically submit them to the sites you’ve selected. A major difference is that on Onlywire you needed to run their software on your computer, with Fan Page Robot it is all on their server.

Submit RSS Feed bookmarks

Pricing & Specials

Onlywire is $8 to $10 a month for a single User account, and $99 per month for unlimited. Fan Page Robot has $9 a month and $29 based on what your agency may need. They are also offering a lifetime membership deal on Warrior Forum to use their Pro Plan. It only costs about $90 and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. No more monthly fees!


Onlywire used to provide tracking, but it does not show as an option any longer. On Fan Page Robot, you can set up a Campaign and make it auto-generate URLs to track the performance of your link posts.

More Benefits Of Fan Page Robot:

  • It automatically generates the best hashtags for you to increase the chance of your posts being discovered
  • You can update your blog with posts you write (either self hosted WordPress or your free account on
  • You can specify an image URL for your bookmark/status submission
  • Best Spinner integration is already there, and titles, descriptions are spinnable
  • Simple list of networks to easily delete old accounts or move to a different client
  • Create posting schedules – dates & times
  • Option to write the post in Fan Page Robot and submit to selected networks on the same page
  • Find content (I love this), quickly create a post from your new content and then either schedule it or post it immediately
  • Discover the top influencers in your industry or niche

Other Onlywire Alternatives:

I’ve come across a couple other options for submission, all having their own pros and cons, but these are those that I have signed up for, used, and my opinion of them.

SocialAdr– It only lets you add your Facebook profile, but you can add Pinterest. I would rather go to Pinterest to submit myself or use Fan Page Robot if the site is only giving me one additional network that others are not. I can’t use something without access to fan pages.

They did have a great offer to set up 27 of the social accounts you can use with them for $11 upon sign up.

There is more to this site, as it offers a Facebook like campaign tool, some great stats and reporting. But the interface isn’t intuitive to navigate.– Popularly used for submitting to G+, but I get this feature with Fan Page Robot. I think if I used it to submit to Linkedin groups it would be worthwhile but I wasn’t able to get my groups to come up in authentication.

There are many other features such as customizing your share across each network, but the biggest draw back is so few networks to choose from.

What Do You Use?

I would love to hear how you submit your content, what tools you use, and why. Tell me about it below. Or, if you don’t do content distribution, tell me why, I love different points of view.

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  1. Great post. We have also been unhappy with the changes in OnlyWire. It seams that the changes are worse, and not better, for existing customers. We came across your post in looking for alternatives to OnlyWire. Thanks for sharing. We will definitely take a look.

  2. Thanks for sharing your research, Mary! We had Onlywire, but like Video above, we went looking for an alternative and Tech sounds great – we’re headed there now. Thanks again!

  3. Hey,

    Really interesting post. We’re building a similar service (started out as a alternative). Your post gives some useful insight into what features you find useful and how you use the service. Would love any feedback about how the perfect service would work – just get in touch.


  4. Does any of those services offer facebook group posting? Cheers

  5. Thanks Mary! I am now using Fan Page Robot after finding you on a Google Search for alternative to OnlyWire. Just set up yesterday. Going through learning process.

    My associate Paul Miller and I have been on the Net doing Internet Marketing for 17 years. We are coming out with our new ebook Shirt Pocket Millionaire in early 2014. We need a chapter on Social Media as our specialities are Blogging, Article Writing, Video and Copywriting. Would you be interested in being our Guest Author for that chapter?

    You can learn more about me at the web site requested above.


  6. Hello Mary,

    I did a google search and found socialmediafuze as well. I was looking to find another option beside SocialADR, which I have been working with since 2011. This information was very helpful. I plan on using Fan Page Robot now. It is a great feature to have the capability to cancel at any time AND be offered the possibility to get 100% money-back guarantee.

    Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences!

    My very best,
    Nerissa S.

  7. Onlywire is best I know of, I have tried hootsuite and sendible, as well. They all update profiles you create, but these services are best used if combined with a syndication service like which gives you ability to update other member profiles as well as your own.

    • Thanks Samuel,
      I hadn’t actually heard of SyndicationMasters. I haven’t gone to Onlywire in several months, maybe they have improved their service/software as it was messy when I was using it extensively. Do you use any other great tools like these?

  8. So I know of Fan Page Robot, sendible, onlywire, hootsuite, sprout social, are there anymore you know of? Thanks

  9. I’ve been using Onlywire for a few years now and I must admit that their latest site changes have introduced a number of new problems. I do not understand why, but Onlywire frequently has problems with login credentials with the social networks they support and just recently I saw they dropped their prices, however failed to inform their existing customers (something I didn’t like) – most probably so they can continue charging them with the old pricing.

    In any case, I’m on the look out for an alternative and it seems like Fan Page Robot might be a good solution. There aren’t that many alternative solutions that can cover Onlywire 100%, but that’s ok if they work without problems 🙂

    Thanks for the post.


  10. Thanks for share it the great free tool. I really need this. Thank you!

  11. But now they could not offer free submission plan.

  12. Good research marry! thanks
    just to add, weonetech has gone premium only now! nomore FREE! 🙂

  13. Hey, thank you for the heads up on the Onlywire alternative, I have used them in the way past and have been looking for an alternative like this. Great post.

  14. Thanks for the info, I was seeking an alternative as well!!

  15. I was looking for onlywire alternative i google this keyword “onlywire alternative free” and found your website at first number really good post that i was looking for Fan Page Robot is really awesome! Especially thanks for introducing more alternatives.

  16. I used HelloTxt and OnlyWire for quite some time but since they all shut down or became paid services I now stick with ifttt which I highly recommend you to check out!

  17. Coool! I was searching for a onlywire alternative and found it here! Thanks alot.

  18. I just cancelled my membership with Onlywire today! The networks the provided would never hold my login info and they had no solution.

  19. In my personal experience, FanPageRobot is one of the best options to automatic share contents of social media. It is really save our time to share on social media.

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