Increase Social Media Interaction with Facebook & Twitter Strategy

If you are anything like other small business owners, you are probably trying to figure out how to best use social media, how often to use it, and how much time to invest into it. It can be difficult to figure out, but for sure, a good place to start is your social media interaction.

A strategy is the best way to go. It will help you find a routine to stick to and teach you what you need to know about making it work. In this instance Facebook and Twitter are the focus. There simply is not enough time to learn each of the social media platforms and put it into use. It’s far more important to get moving and gain momentum.

Facebook and Twitter Social Media Strategy

Let’s assume for the sake of this article you already have a fan page and a Twitter profile, and you have some followers on both. If you are unfamiliar with a term, use Google to get a quick definition, this way we can focus on the strategy.

What you need to use this Facebook and Twitter Social Media Strategy:

  • Facebook fan page
  • Twitter profile
  • Hootsuite connected to your fan page & twitter
  • Hootsuite addon for your browser
  • Autoscheduling setup on Hootsuite
  • Rss Feed Reader with up to 20 blogs from your industry
  • 5 bookmarked active and popular fan pages for your industry
  • Tweetwally set up for your industry- bookmarked

Auto-scheduling Your Posts on Twitter & Facebook
We will now start autoscheduling your posts, be sure to add comments to each post, to give your followers something to respond to.

  1. Every morning spend 15 minutes looking at your newsfeeds. Grab up to 5 links to use in your daily posting. Right click each link and open in new tab. Click the Hootsuite icon to share, add 3 links to Twitter, and 2 to Facebook, autoschedule them.
  2. Login to Pinterest and find 2 images to post for the day. Grab the links to the images (right click- copy image location) and post those in the Hootsuite addon as well, under auto schedule.
  3. Go to the Hootsuite site, and add 3 regular posts – comments, ideas, questions to Twitter, and 2 to Facebook. Now look at your autoscheduling, and rearrange so that you post a regular post, then a link, then the photo, then regular, etc. You don’t want it to look too automated. Occasionally, add a link to your website.

All in all this should take about 15 minutes at the beginning of the day, once you get a rhythm to it.

Real Interaction
Once you’ve finished your auto-scheduling, run over to Facebook and share a post from your newsfeed, remember to add your comment. Check you page for comments, and notifications. Also respond to updates from at least 3 fan pages.

Visit your tweetwally page and respond to 2 tweets, the more the merrier. Be sure to retweet nice posts as often as you can.

At least one other time during the day check your Fanpage and Tweetwally for notifications, and initiate conversation.

Who Are You Stalking?
In order to keep your newsfeeds full of good stuff to share with your fans and followers, you have to stay on top of who you are following. Once a week seek out new twitter profiles to follow and new fan pages to like, then engage with them to introduce yourself.

By no means is this the only way to run your social media accounts, but it does allow you to spend as little as 30 minutes a day, and still see marked progress. If you simply do not have the time to do it yourself, we do!

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