9 Reasons I’m Going to Social Media Success Summit and You Should Too!

SMSS13-250x250blueIn October Social Media Examiner will again be holding their annual Social Media Success Summit. It is a fully ONLINE event that features 45 of the most notable experts in social media, and I can’t wait to go.

I attended last year and loved it for these reasons:

Tons of talks (webinars) about topics I cared about:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Blogging
  • Google+
  • Video
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest
  • Relationships
  • Strategy
  • Crisis Management
  • Customer Service &
  • Measuring Success

Each talk was NOT a product pitch– I don’t mind it when I attend a webinar and they pitch their product at the end, after providing some benefit for my attending, but at Social Media Success Summit I didn’t have to worry about this at all. Each webinar was about the topic they advertised, and no one was there just to sell me something else. It was great!

Expertise Not Necessary– While some of the talks did get specific into detail about the topic, they always started out with the basics so that people from every level of knowledge could follow along.

So Much to Learn– I’ve been in social media for about 4 years now, but I learned a ton. It’s almost impossible be an expert in more than one area, so there is always room to improve your strategy or add in other activities on other social media sites.

Bonuses I Could Use Immediately– When I purchased in April, I got access to at least 10 other webinars that were previously recorded, with slides and transcripts I could start learning from as soon as I signed up. You better bet I went through each one of them, and I was psyched for the event to start.

Access to Recordings & Transcripts– Once each webinar in held within a couple of days you get access to the recording video for download, or to watch on the site. You also get the presentation to download and the transcript. I liked this because I didn’t have to make each session.

Why I’m Going To Social Media Success Summit This Year & You Should Too!

Almost a year and a half later, Social Media Success Summit is in October this year, and I’ve been waiting since earlier this year to hear about it. Honestly, I had thought I missed it somehow. But I was wrong, and it’s coming up, and here is why we should all go TOGETHER!!

45 Experts– I’ve heard about almost all of them, and I’ve read some of their books. It’s all GREAT- they make me think, and become a better strategist and social media manager. By the way, 45 experts is more than last year, so I know this is going to be stellar.

50% More Sessions– Last year we had 2 sessions a week for the entire month of May, this year, I’m thinking it’s going to be 3 a week or something similar to that, to fit the number of sessions they have scheduled. I am literally so excited, because there is going to be so much information. I know I’ll go through an entire 1 subject notebook easily!!

Recordings!!– I get excited about this, because I like to go back through my favorites and soak up even more information. I like to get the presentations to go back through as well, they help jog my memory.

NETWORKING– There is a private Linkedin group just for people who are attending. I can’t wait to meet the others. Plus there was chat in the webinars and question and answer at the end of each session. There are so many people to meet and talk with, it’s going to be great. Time to extend your network!!

I really think this year is going to be an awesome event. I can’t wait to see what the experts and authors have to say. I read their blogs and have read some of their books and the information is just great.

I plan to share a lot more about the event as it comes closer, as well as the experts and what they are going to discuss on their calls.

Last but not least, go check it out Social Media Success Summit 2013!!

Disclaimer- (all of the links to social media success summit are affiliate links, if you sign up through my link, I will earn a commission)

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