What Twitter Activites Should You Participate In?

twitter activitiesOn this blog we’ve discussed the pros and cons of Facebook several times, one of the biggest cons is that businesses, or fanpages, are not able to reach out to fans, but on Twitter that all changes.

With over 500 million tweeps or Twitter users and the ability to reach out to anyone, Twitter is ideal for small businesses.

But beyond signing up, and setting up your profile, what Twitter activities shold you be doing? Let’s discuss:

My Favorite Twitter Activities

Twitter Chats– a twitter chat is where everyone interested in discussing one topic uses the same hashtag to tweet.

A tool like Twubs is used to keep track of that hashtag for chatting, here is an example: http://twubs.com/socialcafe

Follow others– look for users that are interesting and follow them, by following others you let them know you exist and they might follow you back. Here is a post I wrote about finding people to follow.

Curate content– this refers to finding a lot of links to great content in your industry and sharing it on Twitter, this makes it easier for your followers, they don’t have to do all of the searching for good content themselves.

Retweet– when someone tweets something you like, you can retweet it to your followers, all that means is you share the tweet just as it is.

Custom hashtag– develop a hashtag for your business and what you stand for, then ask your followers to use it, when referring to you.

Lead Mining– use Twitter search to look for people to connect with, then follow them or go to their website and contact them to start a conversation.

Local Exposure– using Twitter search you can specify that you are looking for people in a certain geographical area, making it easier to build exposure for your brand.

Listening Campaigns– use a monitoring tool such as TweetWally to search for specific keywords used by people interested in your products and services, then respond to them when you see the conversations.

It might be difficult, when you first get started, to know what to do on Twitter, but the important thing is to remember to just jump in, get tweeting, even if you are confused, you can ask for help, someone will answer. I can answer if you mention me (use the @ symbol followed by my name marygreenim).

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