Twitter Chats – Online Live Networking at #Linkedinchat

twitter chatsOnce a week people get together on Twitter to talk about Linkedin, and the other night (Monday) I joined them for the first time.

To be clear it wasn’t my first twitter chat/party, but it was my first time on the #Linkedinchat. I am so glad I went, and had a lot of fun. I think you should schedule yourself to come, too, but here’s why:

Direct conversation with experts– In the chat I got to meet 3 experts that I had heard of, but had never run into and had the opportunity to connect with. I found their blogs, connected with a couple on Linkedin learned about some great tools from them.

Learn about features you’ve never heard of– I had never heard of Linkedin Influencers or Linkedin Contacts. While I do help people with Linkedin and I do know quite a bit about it, my focus tends to be on profiles, groups, etc. It’s great to learn about other features and more importantly- brainstorm how to use them.

Meet others who want to network– This chat had a lot of people who were happy to discuss, chat and connect. Sometimes it’s difficult to get people to chat because they are afraid I’m going to try to sell them. But all of these people were happy to network.

Get questions you have answered– I did have some questions about Linkedin I could ask, and a lot of people there who were more than willing to discuss and answer me.

Help others who have questions– There are bound to be people who have questions you can answer when you are in a chat, and you get to show off your own expertise or knowledge.

Meet people you wouldn’t otherwise meet in your line of work– I can’t imagine how I would have come across these people at any other time in my profession, at least not yet. But now I have access to chatting with them, and look forward to going on Monday night.

Find great content– There are so many blogs on the internet, and a tweet only lasts a few minutes in a stream if you are lucky, so when I met these people I had time to look at their sites, their tweet timelines, etc and find new content, for my curating activities.

Business opportunities– if you read this blog, you know that I specialize in working with inbound marketing agency and small businesses. During the chat I was able to connect with another inbound marketing company that just might turn into a work opportunity. You never know who you will meet.

More Twitter Chats to Join

After having so much fun the other night, I looked for more chats to join that have to do with business and social media. Here is a link I found with twitter chats for several industries.

Oh, and the #linkedinchat is at 8pm eastern on Tuesday nights, hosted by @linkedinexpert and @stevecassady. I hope to see you there. You can use Twubs to join in, just enter the hashtag.

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