A Successful Fanpage Contest Begins with the Right Applications

social-media-promotionIt continues to amaze me, the fanpage owners that run contests on Facebook without following the rules.

Thousands never take the time to read the terms of use for using Facebook and are at risk of losing their fanpage every time they run a promotion, without a fanpage contest application.

Examples of fanpage contests putting small businesses at risk:

  • Like us to enter
  • Send in a photo to enter
  • Share our post for a chance to win
  • Like this post for a chance to win
  • Get likes on your photo to win
  • Like this to enter our giveaway

The terms state that using any Facebook action in your contest or promotion is against their terms of use, see our post on Why Can’t I Run a Facebook Contest? to learn more.

You need to use an application each time you want to run a promotion, so we wanted to run through some fanpage contest applications that are small business friendly.

Woobox– I have a little personal experience with woobox, but it does work and the last time I used it, I was able to set up a campaign where you could get users to share your contest for entries. Unfortunately, many have argued how acceptable this is to Facebook’s terms of service, so I shy away from using this feature.

Short Stack– I’ve found this application to be more useful for making fanpage tab applications, which is nice for getting subscribers to your newsletter, and building other pages of information.

You can also run contests with this app. I’ve used it quite extensively and the costs start at 1 free app, and then $30 a month.

Offerpop– This seems to have a decent cost for small businesses, and I have talked to reps at their company. Contests through this application have some really nice features.

GroSocial– Another useful application that has a monthly cost of around $20. These contests are either submitting video, photo or text for entry, no additional exquisite features (when reviewed).

Tabsite– This one originally started as a tab application and then added contests. They have decent costs and trials available for running your promotion.

Tips to Make Your Fanpage Contest Rock!!

  1. Send a lot of Traffic– While you are running your contest, make sure you spend a lot of time promoting it, or people will never see it and enter.
  2. Promote on Other Platforms– Promote your contest on twitter (using appropriate hashtags) and Google+, if you can get an image for Pinterest too, that’s a great way to promote.
  3. Giveaway Something Great– Make sure your giveaway is something people will want, a $5 gift card for Amazon might not be enough draw.
  4. Ask friends and followers to promote– You can even put a cap on the giveaway, that if 100 people don’t participate the prize will not be given out.
  5. Give Enough Time– Your giveaway needs a couple of weeks to get good traction and maximum entries. Make sure you promote it before it even starts and then heavily once it does.

Read our post on 5 Reasons your contest will fail, to get even more ideas.

What Do You Think?

What tips can you share from your fanpage contests? Tell us in the comments below!

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