You Don’t Save Email Addresses?! Start Using Social for Email Marketing

social for email marketingSomething that always surprises me is when a potential client says they have been in business for several years and have never kept track of email addresses of their past clients.

I literally drop my jaw, because that is a GOLD MINE!

How, though? Statistically past customers are much easier to convert to another sale than someone new to your business.

That means you can take those email addresses and send out your sales and immediately get a sale, all from taking 30 minutes to write the email. How easy is that?

How Does Social Media Help Email Marketing?

Social media is one of the easiest ways to connect with fans who want to stay in touch with you, but there are problems with it.

For instance, on Facebook you only reach (on average) 16% of your fans with each update, depending on who is on, if they’ve liked or commented before, and how popular the post is. On Twitter, only those who are online and looking at their feed will see your update.

This means, you want to have another way to connect with them. Email is much more permanent than social, people will at least see the email come in, even if they aren’t online when you send it. This is the one way you have the opportunity to make sure you get your latest promotion in front of fans.

What you need to do start Social Email Marketing

  1. Start by signing up for an autoresponder. This is an email program that will keep your connections safe, and make it easy to collect emails when you aren’t online.
  2. Post your form. Any autoresponder you use will give you web forms to use on your website, they will make it very easy, by allowing you to copy and paste your code, to put on your website.
  3. Update your social profiles with a link to your form. Once or twice a week write about your newsletter and share the link on all of your profiles.
  4. Send emails!! Decide how often you want to send them, then login and send them. There will be more you can learn about email marketing but getting started is the most important part.

Even Better for Facebook Marketing

If you are using Facebook for your business, you can install an app (a page on Facebook) to post your form. Aweber (an autoresponder company) makes it easy to do this, and has a wizard to lead you through it. It will post your web form to your fanpage and you can collect emails there, too.

Simple, Easy, Social Media Strategy that Works

This strategy may seem elementary for a lot of people, but it is also very overlooked by many. It will cost $19 a month to get Aweber, and should return that amount with additional sales regularly as long as you send emails.

If you need help posting about your newsletter, here are some post updates to help you out:

We are so excited, finally going to offer a newsletter. You can sign up here (paste link).

Today in our newsletter we sent a special, secret link for starting our sale early. You can get the link by signing up to our newsletter right now, at (paste link).

Starting today new subscribers to our newsletter get a 10% discount coupon. Come get yours (paste link).

We’ve just hit 1,000 subscribers, so we are uping our regular discount for all subscribers. For this weekend only save 15% on all purchases, come sign up now (paste link).

Save 10%, sign up now to our newsletter. Please retweet below!


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