5 Tips to Increase Twitter Click Through Rates

Awhile back I downloaded “The Science of Twitter” to watch by Dan Zarrella. He has dubbed himself the social media scientist and sets out to find out what really works on social media by running the numbers of tons of accounts and figuring it out. In a recent chat, a friend of mine mentioned she had been following the advice of “Science of Twitter” and was getting good results with […]

Definition Inbound Marketing- Understanding Inbound Vs Outbound Marketing

What is this inbound marketing that people keep talking about? Hopefully this will clear things up for you: Hubspot is the company that I first heard use ‘inbound marketing‘ to coin how they were changing marketing. Inbound marketing is providing readers with information, and getting their permission to market to them, instead of outbound marketing that consistently goes out there and interrupts people such as Tv commercials, telemarketing, junk mail, […]

Why Do People Use Social Media? It’s All About Connecting

Do you remember why you first joined a social media website like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin? At the very foundation of your reason, you should see that you were looking to connect on social media with other people. Maybe you wanted to: Ask a question Get more business Chat with friends See what your friends were talking about Follow a business Join a group for information But, at the end […]

What Twitter Activites Should You Participate In?

On this blog we’ve discussed the pros and cons of Facebook several times, one of the biggest cons is that businesses, or fanpages, are not able to reach out to fans, but on Twitter that all changes. With over 500 million tweeps or Twitter users and the ability to reach out to anyone, Twitter is ideal for small businesses. But beyond signing up, and setting up your profile, what Twitter […]

Twitter Chats – Online Live Networking at #Linkedinchat

Once a week people get together on Twitter to talk about Linkedin, and the other night (Monday) I joined them for the first time. To be clear it wasn’t my first twitter chat/party, but it was my first time on the #Linkedinchat. I am so glad I went, and had a lot of fun. I think you should schedule yourself to come, too, but here’s why: Direct conversation with experts– […]

A Successful Fanpage Contest Begins with the Right Applications

It continues to amaze me, the fanpage owners that run contests on Facebook without following the rules. Thousands never take the time to read the terms of use for using Facebook and are at risk of losing their fanpage every time they run a promotion, without a fanpage contest application. Examples of fanpage contests putting small businesses at risk: Like us to enter Send in a photo to enter Share […]

Facebook for Business- Important Posts Every Fanpage Owner Should Read

Facebook can be a great place for businesses to connect with customers and potential customers, but it isn’t always easy for people who are new to using Facebook for business to figure out what they need to do. Hopefully this post will help all Fanpage Owners. Create Facebook Business Fanpage– In this post, we go over how to set up your fanpage, this is a great walk through if you […]