More Facebook Likes – My Tricky Method for Getting More Likes

more facebook likesI’ve been playing with a new tricky little method I use to get more real likes for my clients and my own fanpage. I thought today, I would take the time to share this with you.

I did quickly mention this on my 18 Ideas to Grow Your Facebook Fanbase post but I never elaborated and it was probably confusing. I can get about 10 new likes every few days by actively doing this, however it takes time, so keep that in mind.

Set up– Find 5 VERY active fanpages that target the same market as you. I simply go after huge, related fanpages such as brands. For instance, in dog training, perhaps Cesar Millan. Either way, visit each fanpage as yourself on Facebook, and like them, and get notifications.

  • How to find popular fanpages in your niche?
    You can use the search bar on Facebook, or a third-party tool like Fan Page Robot which can sort the search results by likes. For instance, enter your keyword under “Generate Content” on FanPageRobot, and click “Influencers”. It will give you a list of most popular Facebook pages and Twitter accounts:
    search Facebook pages

Install Chime on Chrome– Chime will give you pop up notifications about your social media accounts, you can decide which accounts to add, definitely add your Facebook personal profile.

Visit the Fanpages Daily to comment on past discussions you participated in, respond to their other readers’ posts and comment on updates you missed.

Wait for notifications, when you get a notification of a new update from one of the fanpages:

  1. Open an incognito window and sign into facebook
  2. Use Facebook as a Fanpage for the appropriate client or fanpage you want to respond as
  3. Respond to the newest update- be sure to provide a real comment that adds to the conversation
  4. Do NOT spam- do not tag your fanpage, just respond

How to Get More Facebook Likes With This Method

Descriptive and Keyword Rich Fanpage Name– For instance John’s Fun as a fanpage name does nothing for exposure, but John’s Miami Fun Times does.

Answer as soon as possible– Being the first comment is very helpful to getting more exposure.

Choosing active fanpages– Choose fanpages that update often, if they don’t add more than 5 to your daily routine.

Build a Relationship– Build a relationship backing up the fanpage author, and doing things for them, share the posts, comment, visit their site and leave comments, tweet their posts, etc.

Leave Open the Incognito window to be able to access the updates as quickly as possible and keep a tab open for each of the fanpages you’ll be visiting. Do you have any Facebook tricks to build up more fans?

Update- Since this page is so popular I wanted to update it with more ways I get likes, here we go:

  • Post good content regularly– 5+ posts a week should bring a lot of exposure to your fanpage.
  • Use the Facebook like box throughout articles on your website, with a call to action to like you.
  • Ask followers on other social media sites to like you as well- although I do not recommend using automated direct messaging for this on Twitter.
  • Put links to your fanpage in emails to your followers.
  • Use a signature in forums with a call to action like this- Get My Best Tips & Tricks By Following Me Here.
  • Research the S4S method, where you contact other fanpages and ask them to share about you, and you’ll do the same for them.
  • Add your fanpage link to your Linkedin profile – you have 3 links you can add, use one for Facebook.
  • Offer something special for becoming a fan- you don’t have to do this through an app, you can just have people message you through your fanpage.

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  1. Will surely try these tips for getting more likes, thanks for sharing this trick. Hoping such cool hacks from you.

  2. Some good tips. I have a local (Las Vegas) page and I often times comment on the local news pages (50k+ fans), the animal shelter pages (10k+) and other popular pages in Vegas. This method does work, it just takes time. Most business owners I talk to want fans yesterday…for free.

  3. Thanks for the summary. I am happy to hear that facebook like

    competitions are still not allowed! And equally discouraged

    through penalization. Thanks again.

  4. my page gets many likes but i use a totally different method.

  5. That’s an interesting way to get more Facebook fans i will definitely try it out. So far we have been buying likes but lately our ROI has been getting lesser and lesser.

    • That is fairly common for companies right now. Unfortunately, Facebook is chasing away the smaller businesses in hopes to get more advertising dollars. Have you tried other social media platforms, or paying for ads, not just likes?

  6. Mary,
    One thing I like about your facebook like trick is that its not really a trick, its a tactics–that if used well can result to legit fans, not robots!

    It really gonna help me as I’m tryna get more likes so that my motivational messages can reach enough of my audience.
    Thanks for sharing

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