Social Media for Small Business 101: Other Company Fanpages
My goal with this blog is to help small business owners that want to learn more, but don’t have a lot of time, in the spirit of doing that I want to cut back on how long my how to posts are.
Today: Other Company Fanpages
Your fanpage is set up and now you want to start joining the conversation. The easiest way to do this is through the use of other fan pages.
As a fanpage you can like other fanpages and follow them. Liking them will add them to your newsfeed (as a fanpage) and you can comment on their updates. When you comment on their updates, their other followers see you, and you get more awareness for your page.
As long as you are logged in as your fanpage, like the image below, when you go to another fanpage and write anything, others will see the link to your fanpage.
I suggest doing this regularly in my social media plan template.
To get started, type in the search box at the top of Facebook, the name of a fanpage you know is popular in your industry, perhaps a competitor, or a related brand.
Click on the page that comes up, like it, and continuously like related pages, to see in your newsfeed.
I want to stress that you should be respectful of the fanpage owners, you don’t want to go to their fanpage and spam their visitors, because it looks very unprofessional and they will ban and/or report you.
But simply liking comments (which notifies people of your existence) and leaving your own comments, helps you build relationships through their fanpages and helps you grow as well.

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