Using Facebook to Get More Website Sales

Who wouldn’t want to get more website orders? If you have a product or service, you are in business to sell, and Facebook is a tool that can help you do just that.

We’ve covered in the past that it takes time to build an active community, ideally thousands of followers who like your company, brand and products.

Once you have a decent size following, there are a number of things you can do to get website sales from your presence on Facebook, here are just a few, you will find though, that the most unique ideas will work the best.

Some Ideas for Facebook & Getting More Website Sales

1) Deal of the Day- one company we follow on Facebook does this quite successfully and you can see that the followers really enjoy getting deals, they even have posts on their page where people are asking for specific brands or products to be featured.

2) Flash Sales- out of the blue, a sale that lasts just a day or two, and is a great deal. We’ve seen Lil Helper on Facebook feature a flash sale this week for Buy 2 Get 1 Free- always an awesome deal in their industry.

3) 20% off FB only code- This is a nice way to make your followers feel special, give them a code that only they will be able to use. Now you can use this as an incentive for future visitors- tell them to like you in order to be notified of Facebook only specials.

4) Fan Gate- while it is far less popular than it used to be, you can still fan gate coupon or discount codes. Send traffic to a fan gated app page and you are sure to get more likes and sales.

5) Real Sales- too many times people like a page and see they always offer sales, this works counter intuitively and fans are less likely to buy. Offer sales less likely to increase the excitement around a promotion, and make it something worth waiting for. 5% off a $20 purchase isn’t anywhere near as exciting as $20 off $75.

Tip- We’ve found it’s a great idea to promote your sales posts for $5, then it will hit the newsfeed of far more of your followers, and your revenue from the sale will increase.

These are great ideas we have seen work for several companies active on Facebook. The secret is being active consistently, and keeping your visitors interested. While it takes time to grow a large fanbase of customers, you can offer some of these sales once you have just a few hundred fans, and see a difference in your end profits.

In case you are having a hard time building your fanbase, or would like to speed it up, hire experts- us!

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