50 Ways to Post More on Every Social Network & Increase All of Your Stats

socmedevalThe more you post on just about any social media network, the more you will see results.

From engagement, to shares, likes, comments, retweets, mentions, replies, visitors, sales, engagement, EVERYTHING.

But, coming up with things to post is hard. After the first 20 ideas you have, it gets difficult to come up with more.

And, you don’t want to overdue and make people mad, right?

After handling close to 100 different social media accounts in the last 4 years, I’ve had to come up with thousands of updates, pins, posts, tweets, and plusses.

And, guess what? It isn’t as hard as you think, let’s break it down.

Find inspiration for posting!

  • Read through your newsfeed first
  • Search the site (pinterest, facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+) for your industry keyword
  • Search google news
  • Search google blogs
  • Read through your industry email
  • Read through some of your favorite blogs or RSS feeds

Almost all of these ideas will bring you along something you can share with your followers.

Plan ahead for social media updates!

  • Use Fan Page Robot to schedule updates in advance.
  • Fill your buffer with loads of things to share on each site.
  • Plan a week’s worth of content at a time.
  • Sprinkle your own updates through out the week with scheduled posts
  • Keep your own promotions to a maximum of 20% of your updates

Post what your social media followers want to see!

  • Funny stories about other customers or employees
  • Recipes for use with your products
  • Questions other customers have asked
  • Tips you have found particularly useful
  • Reviews done by others about you
  • Reviews about products you carry
  • Events coming up in the community (games, parties, field days, parades)
  • Events coming up online (webinars, twitter chats)
  • Entertainment news your followers would like (documentaries, movies, music, tv)
  • Your opinion on anything they care about (events, entertainment, current events)
  • About your day
    • Today my family and I …
    • We have two dogs, do you have pets? Hit like
    • fill in the blank: My favorite thing about parenting is ______.
    • word games: Unscramble this: ODG INAGTRIN
    • what starts with D, is two words and ends with G?
  • Post to discuss, chat, etc.
  • Post as if they were friends right in front of you, or visitors in your store.
  • Ask your followers questions
  • Ask them to like, comments, and share good updates
  • Ask them what they want to see you post
  • Give them something (special offers, free downloads, coupons, online parties)
  • Feature special days of the week (Photo Friday, Interview Monday, etc)

Make social media management easier on yourself:

  • Check in twice a day to check for comments, etc, then leave it alone.
  • Respond to every comment when you are on.
  • Take notes if you need to follow up, and do it before you get back on.
  • Use free tools to help. Bufferapp and Hootsuite.
  • Subscribe to as many blogs as possible in your industry with Feedly.
  • Use browser extensions to make sharing easy (pin it button for pinterest, bufferapp)
  • Subscribe to my newsletter to get my awesome social media news each week -loads of helpful tips. (in the sidebar)
  • Share when you have nothing else to give!

Special info for pinning to Pinterest:

  • Following a lot of blogs makes it easy to pin and repin while checking your favorite feeds
  • Check your home feed twice a day and repin up to 15 new things
  • Have specific boards your followers will enjoy
  • Organize your boards so that the most popular boards are seen first in your profile

Special info for updating your Google+:

  • Use Do Share to schedule updates if you use Chrome
  • Check in twice a day, share a couple of times and post once (if you dont have a scheduling tool)
  • Use hootsuite to schedule to your G+ page

Last but not least, only post to the networks you plan to be active on. People won’t visit if you aren’t going to participate with their posts as well.

Watch your analytics, stats and insights, your numbers should increase across the board.

Tell Me!!

Tell me if this post helps, either below or on social media. Do you have tips for others, post them below, there is always so much to learn.

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  1. Terrific tips for posting out to social networks. Buffer and DoShare two of my favorite scheduling tools. Thank you for sharing all!

    • Thanks Nancy, I like using them, too. I wish hootlet was able to work with G+ profiles. But maybe in the future.

  2. The more I post to social media, the more I realize that people are finicky. What works one day doesn’t work the next. You always have to keep it fresh and original!

    • Really? That is interesting. Almost everything I post gets around the same response- retweets, favorites, etc. I like getting the honest replies though, they are the best.

  3. Tilmann BruckhausAugust 27, 2013 at 3:59 am · Reply

    Hi Mary,

    Those are great tips, thanks. I do some of these things already, like Buffering my tweets, and I feel encouraged that you are encouraging those practices.

    I am still working on some of your other tips, mostly those that require more time investments, like posting reviews of our product, Follower.io (https://follower.io). I’d be interested in your thoughts if you want to check it out.

    Meanwhile, let me subscribe to your newsletter…


    • Hi Tilmann,
      Thank you for commenting on my site, I will definitely check out your tool and maybe even write about it. Thank you for signing up for the newsletter too. I look forward to connecting with you. Grab me on Twitter @marygreenim


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