How to Run a Social Media Promotion on Facebook

how to run a Facebook promotion

It still surprises me how many businesses I see that run social media promotions on their fanpages. I get that it is super easy to do, and that everyone else is doing it, but that doesn’t make it acceptable. You can lose your whole fan page by doing it, and it just isn’t worth it. You don’t want to have to start all over again, from 0 likes?

You have to use a separate application from Facebook altogether, either through the tabs on your fanpage, or some other means. I realize what a pain it is, so many times I see people clicking the wrong links to enter, and so often I see people clicking like to like an update, instead of going to like the actual page. But, that just means you have to be better with your instructions.

Why Facebook doesn’t Like Promotions on your Fanpage

When you run a promotion on your fanpage, without using any application, they may be held liable, or are at least open to legal issues, if someone is to argue the winning, or terms of the contest or giveaway.

That being said, they can’t be held responsible for all of our actions when they simply provide the platform, so another application that has the necessary terms of service, is necessary. This is just my take. I believe there is a more in-depth description, but the bottom line is they don’t want to be held liable and we can’t blame them.

How to Run a Promotion on Facebook

Once you have an idea of what you want to do, you can use an app or simply publish it as a photo if you just want to launch a simple giveaway. Some apps could help you create a tab on your fanpage, making it easy to share. But you do need the link to the tab!

You will need a promotional graphic, and a post message, like the following:

We are celebrating ___ and are so exited! This week is our first #giveaway, so here is a chance for one of you to win this ___! Do you want to have them? Enter by:

1. Liking this post
2. Leave a comment

The giveaway ends on August 23 2018 | USA only

Facebook-promotion giveaway example

Now you need to publish your giveaway, this is easy to do, just install to a Facebook page, again, simple to do, a screen will come up, leading you through it. Last but not least you should publish your giveaway link on Facbook.

I would send out one update a day to my followers reminding them of the giveaway, and encouraging them to share.

If you have any questions or need help, please email me, or comment below.

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