13 Places to Share New Blog Posts Cheatsheet

Do you want to share your blog posts to get the most traffic possible? Bookmark this page because you are in the perfect place! These are some of the best tactics to get more new post traffic and I will be changing it based on newest changes in distribution:

Prior Sharing Set Up

  • Triberr– My favorite place to get shares for new posts. Join for free, join related tribes to your industry and login regularly to share others’ posts to get some reciprocal sharing.
  • XML Sitemap Plugin- You should have a plugin that automatically updates your sitemap for search engines. I use All in One SEO for WordPress.

After Publishing Your Post- Share New Blog Posts

  • Using the share links on your post, do the following:
  • Tweet the Post- Be sure to grab the link and put it in the text file as well. Add hashtags to all tweets. You can use Fan Page Robot, Hootsuite, or another tool for scheduling and posting with 3-4 other tweets over the next 32 hours
  • +1 Your Post and Share it on Google+ with some commentary on the topic- tag mentioned people/tools/companies
    • Grab the link to the post on G+ and share with a photo instead of a link preview
  • Share on your Facebook Profile and Fanpage– grab the links and put them in the text file
    • Be sure to add some commentary, share the link but kill the link preview, consider using a photo for better engagement
  • Share your post on Linkedin under your profile and then share to appropriate groups- you must be careful with groups as you don’t want to spam and get restricted for future shares.
  • Pin the post photo, you should have generated this with a photo editing tool to add text to the image. Grab the link and include in the text file.
  • Stumble your post by giving it a thumbs up, but only if you are active on StumbleUpon

Share to Skype groups

I hope you use skype for instant message, hundreds of marketers do. Take your link and share it to any groups you are allowed to on Skype.

There are many set up specifically for sharing content. And since you’ve been collecting the links of your shares, give these to your friends on Skype to make sharing simple for them.

*Some people have found that G+ and Twitter posts that are shared several times (retweets, +1’s, etc) are more likely to be indexed, instead of several different instances of the same post being tweeted.

Email Your List

Your autoresponder probably sends an automated email when you publish, however, it’s a good idea to test whether or not you can get a better response by writing a teaser email and sending that instead.

Additional Resources for Blog Distribution

Mike Alton shares his secrets to distributing new blog posts, check them out on the Social Media Hat- How I Promote My New Blog Posts

Through Triberr I recently discovered Renaud Gagne and his post Where Do I Promote My Blog Once Published?

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  1. Great tips and info, thanks. I have subscribed and will be back often since I love learning about new resources like learning about BizSugar in this post 🙂 keep up the great job! 🙂

  2. Great tips Mary! The 40 Point Blogging Checklist is very helpful!

  3. Hi Mary,

    Great stuff. I never knew about the Triberr plugin, I’ll have to check that out. And I need to start adding hashtags to my tweets for sure. I’m probably losing out because of not doing that. Anyway, great resource here.

    Oh and Buffer is an amazing tool. I just started using it last week and I’m blown away so far.

  4. Abhishek TrivediAugust 9, 2014 at 9:16 am · Reply

    Nice One .
    I need one website to share all social sites in one place
    can any one help

  5. Nice. I was looking for a ‘check list’ type thing for my personal anxiety success story blog, and am glad I ran into your article. Thanks.

  6. Justin Trent BvensDecember 28, 2014 at 2:03 am · Reply

    NextScripts has an awesome WordPress plugin for social media. I Love stumbleupon! I think Digg should be added as well. Great list though! Triberr has had a lot of people promoting it. Their WordPress plugin has not updated in over 2 years. I just do not see them staying current for much longer.

  7. Thanks for the list of places to share blog posts. Now i’m sharing my blog posts to these places and i’m getting more traffic and exposure for my blog posts…..Really a great post..Thanks a lot for sharing. 🙂

  8. My favorite is LinkedIn groups, there i get quality traffic and comments from, apart from the traffic i get from them, i consider them a great source of backlinks. SO i always share my posts in those places when i publish.


  9. Great info. All new to me and just trying to make an impact. Thanks!

  10. Tribber sounds very interesting, i registered just know and i will have a look to see how it works. Thanks

  11. Thanks for this really helpful article. I am using most of these platforms to share my blog post.
    But Triberr and Fan Page Robot are new for me, haven’t used them yet.
    Thanks 🙂

  12. Great advice. In particular the Triberr plugin for wordpress making it really easy to share your posts. Thanks

  13. Great post I think beginner bloggers can learn a lot from this article they only think that after writing the blog post their job is done but you have to promote it as well to get more exposure and traffic. Social media presence does effect the popularity for your blog and is a also a great way to get connected with like minded people. To get traffic is my main focus point on my blog and want to get higher rank in alexa too. So your above article teach me a lot, I will share my blog post wherever you said above hope this get me good going for my blog..
    As I had experienced till now, I’d say facebook and twitter are really great platforms to share the posts after publishing. StumbleUpon is a great site to get lots of traffic in a short span of time. But, I have noticed that most of the traffic is un-targeted and most visitors simply bounce back from the site without even opening up any new web page…
    But great piece you posted here, thanks for sharing. Will definitely begin putting these into action for my blog posts. Some of the methods were known to me, but there were some new which have astonished me. Keep publishing such valuable content.

  14. Phd Projects chennaiAugust 21, 2016 at 4:06 am · Reply

    Great advice. In particular the Triberr plugin for wordpress making it really easy to share your posts. Thanks

  15. I’m definitely going to try some, if not all, of the tips listed here. My site is almost twenty years old and is not getting the attention that it once did. Thank you so much for this information.

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