Planning Your Content Calendar with WordPress and Trello

Content Calendar Planning

I have been attending a lot of Twitter chats lately, and this Monday night I attended one by Social Solution Collective about planning your content calendar.

I have recently joined their blog as a contributing author and they are an amazing set of women. You can see their Twitter profile here: @Collectivess

From the chat (#collectivechat) many of us shared tools, ideas and blog posts that we found helpful in planning content. Here are some of the goodies I shared:

  • How I plan content for my clients, either by using their keywords or a theme.
  • That I use Trello to plan content and set up a board for each client.
  • Each post goes on the calendar and includes a topic and a keyword, as well as links to resources.
  • A link to my blogging checklist (40 points checklist)
  • WordPress plugins to use in planning: Edit Flow (recommended by a friend) & Editorial Calendar
  • Plan social media updates for before and after the content

Others suggested:

  • Keeping their content calendar flexible
  • Using Google Calendar to plan
  • Using themes for each month or week
  • Planning topics with the client’s input

Since I wanted to share how much I use Trello and everything you can do with it, I put together a video. Here is the video, it is 8 minutes long, and one of the first I have done, so please let me know what you think.

What advice would you share about content planning? Do you use certain tools, how do they help? Let me know below.

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  1. Excellent video, Mary. I will be test driving Trello. The SSC’s tweetchat was fantastic, wasn’t it?

    • Hi Robin,
      Thank you so much, glad you liked it. If you have any questions about Trello, let me know. The tweetchat was great. I’m so excited to be working with them.

      Thank you for commenting and I hope we connect again.


  2. Mary,

    This is excellent! I’ve used Trello in the past and I love it, but I really like the way you set up your boards.

  3. Ben van HeijningenOctober 14, 2013 at 6:22 am · Reply

    Hello Mary, thanks for your ideas! Wonderful that this is popping up by Googling ‘content calendar in trello’.
    What I don’t understand is why you name your lists not only week 1, week 2 etc, but also ‘Facebook’ and ‘blog’ etc. Isn’t it so that every week you ‘may place content on Facebook and blog and some other channels? And besides, the color label is sufficient to distinguish the channel, isn’t it?

    • I named them that so that you could see how to put together themes for different days of the week or times of the month, and then drag them to the appropriate weeks. I like the color labels, but I’d rather have things I can move around more. So the labels are used for distinction more so than anything else. That is just how I use it though. Thanks for checking out the post, do you Trello already?

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